[Exiles Members] Upcoming Elections

Marilyn Hollinger marilyn at marilynj.com
Tue Jan 9 23:58:01 EST 2018

Exiles Members,


Every year in March we elect officers to run the Exiles, and we are
interested in seeing new people step up and help keep the club vibrant and
relevant. The officer positions we are looking to fill are the following:


*	Co-Coordinator: Manage the administration of the organization.
(2-year overlapping term)

*	Must have been a member for at least a year, and have attended a
minimum of 3 of the last 6 regular business meetings.

*	Membership Officer: Manages memberships

*	Must have attended a minimum of 3 of the last 6 regular business

*	Treasurer: Manages the finances

*	Must have attended a minimum of 3 of the last 6 regular business

*	Recorder: Manages minutes and communications, except the newsletter

*	Must have been an Exiles member for one year, OR has qualified to
become a voting member at business meetings 


You can find more detailed descriptions of these roles on page 9 of our
Policies, which you can find online here:




In addition to these elected officer positions, we have a number of
positions which will be filled at the April business meeting:


*	Newsletter Editor: Prepares and distributes The Lunatic Fringe 
*	Outreach/PR Officer: Manages publicity and outreach. 
*	Orientation Officer: Responsible for Orientation 
*	Doorkeeper: Manages the door at programs 
*	Sergeant-at-Arms: Provides security at the door for Exiles
*	Web Site Manager: Maintains and manages the official Exiles website.

*	Volunteer Coordinator: Recruits and manages volunteers


You are eligible to fill these roles if you have been an Exiles member for
one year, OR have qualified to become a voting member at business meetings
(attended 2 of the last 4 meetings). For the latter, you can start by
attending the February meeting and be qualified by the April meeting. More
details about these roles can be found at the above link, on page 10.


If you are interested in any of these roles, even if you don't yet qualify,
please contact cocos at theexiles.org <mailto:cocos at theexiles.org>  so we can
discuss with you.


We are hoping for a diverse, engaged group of officers for the next year, so
we hope to hear from you.




(Co-coordinator: will continue to serve in the last year of my 2-year term)


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