[ExilesAnnounce] Volunteer at Folsom

Marilyn Hollinger marilyn at marilynj.com
Sun Sep 13 02:53:33 EDT 2015

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Volunteer opportunities for Folsom weekend... 

 <http://us10.campaign-archive2.com/?u=778a0a8addcf53c00b6dd9681&id=2a3907ff9b&e=580d32c943> View this email in your browser 


Folsom weekend is coming!

Two exciting opportunities to help celebrate the "Leather High Holidays", September 25-27.


The Exiles is hosting an All Genders Social on Friday, and we have a booth at the Folsom Street Fair on Sunday. Volunteers make our events happen, so read on to find out more.

Remember that we will soon have Exiles PATCHES available. In order to be eligible to receive a patch you need to volunteer at a major event for the Exiles, and these are both great opportunities to do so.

If you can volunteer, please email Marilyn at  <mailto:website at theexiles.org?subject=Volunteer%20for%20Folsom> website at theexiles.org. 


(need an image above) 

All Genders Social
Friday, September 25, 7-10pm

Volunteers needed for setup, selling raffle tickets, working the door, greeting people as they arrive, and cleanup.
 <http://theexiles.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=778a0a8addcf53c00b6dd9681&id=8ac0fec9b7&e=580d32c943> Click here for more details about the event.


Exiles Booth at the Folsom Street Fair
Sunday, September 27, 10am - 6pm

Our booth is generally located on 9th Street right outside Venus' Playground. Volunteers are needed for setup, tear down, and handing out flyers throughout the day. Come share information about the Exiles!


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