[ExilesAnnounce] Fringe Sept 2015
Patricia Collins
collins.pat0108 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 10:36:00 EDT 2015
The Sept edition of the Fringe
ng> is here and contains lots of information about things that are going on
with your club. Be sure and check out the Events section, September is the
busiest time of the year for the club and there are plenty of volunteer
opportunities. Remember those Exiles patches we mentioned, here is your
chance to satisfy one requirement and have a lot of fun at the same time.
Membership renewal is also upon us again. Make sure you renew or this will
be the last edition of the Fringe you will receive.
In this issue...Preview of the Folsom Social
* August Program Report
* Awards News
* Volunteer Opportunities
* Events
* Monthly Munch
* Orientation
* Business Meetings
* Upcoming Events
Use the link above to access your copy of the Fringe.
It¹s your club, help make it what you want it to be.
Volunteers are not paid, not because they are worthless but because they are
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