[ExilesAnnounce] The Lunatic Fringe - June Edition

Raven ladyravenfyr at aol.com
Wed Jun 18 13:26:16 EDT 2014

Hear ye! Hear ye! June's program is going to be a one of a kind you are not going to want to miss! 

Traditional British Discipline and Punishment this Friday at Alchemy and that's not all... There will be play party until midnight immediately following the program. Bring your toys and play. 

See all the details and much, much more in this mont's addition of The Lunatic Fringe. Open the attachment and read all about it! 


The Exiles Fringe Editor

P.S. Please excuse the lateness of this month's edition. This was my first time getting this out to you and I was a bit... slow on the learning curve. 
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