<div dir="auto">Dear Exiles Members, <br>
What an unusual few weeks! Some of us have had our lives come to a complete halt while others are on the front lines of this pandemic. Either way, our day to day routine and our way of interacting with our people has drastically changed in these uncertain times. Most importantly, here at Exiles, we want you to know you're not alone and we want you to stay safe. Secondly, we are NOT going to forget about your need for BDSM education and connection! We're here for you! <br>
Exiles has adapted to this new environment by transitioning all our events to a virtual platform. Beginning in April, we're adding "Quickies"; instructional live 30-60 min presentations, facilitated by Exiles and Exiles Alumni, available to our current Exiles and Patreon members. <br>
Upcoming Exiles Events include: <div dir="auto"><br><div dir="auto">
• Friday, April 24th @ 8pm PST: Exiles PROGRAM - Virtual BDSM. Let the Exiles help you continue being kinky with safe methods and innovative techniques. Whether you're self isolating or you're sheltered in place with a loved one, we've got the tips & tricks to keep you healthy and happy. Join us for an interactive discussion on Virtual BDSM. Zoom Meeting Id: <a href="https://zoom.us/j/192722682?pwd=M1QycDd1dDJNbVlEUVlxdDhjLzdaUT09">https://zoom.us/j/192722682?pwd=M1QycDd1dDJNbVlEUVlxdDhjLzdaUT09</a></div><div dir="auto"><br>
• Tues, April 28th @ 7p PST: Exiles QUICKIE - Clothespins & Zippers with Rio. (Current Exiles & Patreon Members Only) Zoom Meeting Id: <a href="https://zoom.us/j/514038146?pwd=Slg4OXE1ME1lOTFsQ3pkUldTRkZBdz09">https://zoom.us/j/514038146?pwd=Slg4OXE1ME1lOTFsQ3pkUldTRkZBdz09</a></div><div dir="auto"><br>
• Wed, May 6th @ 630pm PST: Exiles MUNCH via Zoom. Fb Event: <a href="https://facebook.com/events/s/exiles-munch/2202865640012876/?ti=as">https://facebook.com/events/s/exiles-munch/2202865640012876/?ti=as</a> <br>
There are many things you can do now on our website: <a href="http://www.theexiles.org">www.theexiles.org</a><br>
• Get the latest Exiles information!<br>
• Join our Patreon and receive rewards!<br>
• Donate via PayPal! Keep the Exiles alive during these difficult times. Every little bit counts! <br>
We understand that our community has been heavily effected and we at Exiles plan to support and serve our community to the best of our abilities. A lot of us are financially struggling – those who’ve been laid off, are quarantined or sheltering-in-place and can’t work, seen our under-the-table work disappear, or who work at queer/leather businesses. Fundraising groups have sprung up, to help provide support for people in our communities who are in need:<div dir="auto"><br>
• The Bay Area Leather Lifeline is a fund to help kinksters and leather folk in the SF Bay Area who need immediate help during the COVID-19 crisis. Please donate or apply for assistance at <a href="http://ball.leatheralliance.org">ball.leatheralliance.org</a></div><div dir="auto"><br>
• The Queer Nightlife Fund is organizing direct support from the LGBTQ community to support vulnerable LGBTQ nightlife workers affected by the abrupt closure of bars and venues in response to the current health crisis. QNF is also organizing fundraising events like the weekly Quaran-Tea Dance, and an online silent auction. Act now by making a gift of support. <a href="https://sfqueernightlifefund.org/donate/">https://sfqueernightlifefund.org/donate/</a></div><div dir="auto"><br>
• The Safety Net Fund is a non-profit designed to help support artists that make their livelihood from the arts in the Bay Area. <a href="https://www.flipcause.com/secure/cause_pdetails/NzY4NjU=">https://www.flipcause.com/secure/cause_pdetails/NzY4NjU=</a></div><div dir="auto"><br>
We will continue to explore ideas to provide relief and communicate resources when and whereever we can. Suggestions and feedback are always welcome. Please stay safe and sane during these trying times. <br>
In Leather Solidarity, <br>
Ms. Cat & Rio<br>
Cocoordinators, The Exiles</div><div dir="auto"><a href="mailto:Cocos@theexiles.org">Cocos@theexiles.org</a> </div></div></div></div>