[Exiles Members] Important Meetings, Announcements, and More!

CoCos Exiles exiles.cocos at gmail.com
Fri Jan 5 19:14:09 EST 2024

*Hello Exiles' Community,*

*Happy New Year!*

Pull out your calendars because here are some quick, essential updates for
January! Also, look out for our Lunatic Fringe Newsletter this month, where
we will have recaps and photos from the Exiles 25th Anniversary

*Announcement Outline*

   1. Congratulations to our New Director on the Exiles Steering Committee!
   2. Jan. 7th - Online Special Meeting regarding DEI Workshop on Sunday at
   3. Jan 7th - Team Friendly's Beer Bust on Sunday at 3pm at SF Eagle
   4. Jan 17th - Online Biz Meeting Date Change to Wednesday at 6:30pm
   5. Jan 28th - In-Person Needle Play Program on Sunday, time TBD
   6. Exiles Limited Edition Swag

*Congratulations! *

At our December Biz Meeting, the Biz Crew voted to add a newly appointed
Director position to the Steering Committee Team: Anti-Racism DEI Director,
and quickly filled through the nomination and appointment of Madame Madora,
our Rising Star Awardee. To learn more about Madame Madora and her role as
the first Anti-Racism DEI Director, check out our January Lunatic Fringe

*Online Special Meeting*

A special meeting was requested by Madame Madora, our new Anti-Racism DEI
director, regarding a three-week DEI workshop. This online training is
G.I.F.T.S. <https://visionchangewin.org/training-series/>, and it is for
three consecutive weeks. This workshop is round one of the new year, which
Madame Madora would like to attend. The fee is $500 for one person or up to
five people. If there are more that would like to attend, then that is a
semi-different process. Madame Madora requests that Exiles extend payment
for under Education.

Zoom Link <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81296461676>

*Team Friendly's Beer Bust*

Team Friendly is hosting a Beer Bust this Sunday and reached out to the
Exiles to be the recipient of funds from their event. The event's theme is
Rainbow Revelry, which celebrates the vibrant spectrum of the community.
Please represent the Exiles at this Beer Bust to show appreciation for Team
Friendly's support! Facebook Event

They also need volunteers, so please sign up here
<https://volunteersignup.org/FCTHD> if you can.

*Biz Meeting Date Change - JAN 17*

The monthly Biz Meeting date is changed to January to accommodate more
active members forming a Conflict Resolution/Mediation Policy. Please
attend this month's meeting for the proposal and potential adaptation of a
Conflict Resolution/Mediation Policy to be voted into the Exiles' Policies
and Procedures.

Also, at this Biz Meeting, we will ask for nominations for the new Steering
Committee of 2024!

*Needle Program*

Presented by '23 Northwest Master/slave Marilyn & Rio, this Program of Play
Piercing provides a quick and intense endorphin rush that can be a scene
all its own or add an intense spark to a larger scene. The pain and the
blood can bring a primal energy to your play and a connection unlike any
other. It takes skill, attention to safety, creativity, and some equipment.
In this class, Marilyn and Rio will discuss why people play with piercings,
how to do it, how to stay safe, and how to outfit your kit. They'll give
you some ideas about incorporating needles into play. Other topics will
include negotiation, preparation, effects of piercing on piercer and
piercee, and creative ways to decorate, escalate, and satiate.

This Exiles' Program is a hands-on class and will be at the Folsom Street
Community Center. We supply the needles; you supply the creativity and

*Exiles Swag*

Did you miss out on the chance to purchase a limited edition Exiles 25th
anniversary T-shirt? You may need to update your organization swag with an
Exiles T-shirt and sweatshirt. Don't worry. This month, we will be sending
out an online order. Keep your eyes on social media and the Lunatic Fringe

*In leather service and love,*
*Kara and Lipstick*
Serving our Exiles leather community,

*Kara (she/her) & Lipstick (she/her)*
*The Exiles CoCoordinators*
Website <http://theexiles.org/>  |  Instagram
<https://www.instagram.com/theexilessf/>  |  Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/theexilessf>  |  FetLife
<https://fetlife.com/users/2319325>  |
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