[Exiles Members] Exiles Officer Elections - VOTE NOW

Marilyn Hollinger marilyn at marilynj.com
Mon Mar 2 12:26:22 EST 2020

It's time to vote for Exiles officers. Voting ends at the program on March
20th. New officers assume their positions on April 1.


The easiest way to vote is with the online form
<https://forms.gle/5RxxWNPH2dg9fubGA> . You will need your member number to
vote. If you don't know it, please contact membership at theexiles.org
<mailto:membership at theexiles.org> . 


You'll see that we have no contested offices this year. BUT ITS STILL
IMPORTANT TO VOTE. We need as  many members as possible to vote in order to
validate the results.


If you would rather not vote online, you can submit a paper ballot. Print
out the attached ballot, fill it out, and send it in. It must be received no
later than 5pm on Wednesday, March 18th. You can also bring the paper ballot
to the program, or just show up at the program and we will have paper
ballots there.


Easiest way to vote: CLICK ON THIS LINK
<https://forms.gle/5RxxWNPH2dg9fubGA> . It only takes a few minutes.


Reply to marilyn at theexiles.org <mailto:marilyn at theexiles.org>  if you have
any questions about the election.


(Note that we have a number of additional officer positions that are voted
on by our business group. You can find all the description of all officer
positions and duties in our Articles of Association
<http://theexiles.org/exilesarticlesandpolicies-april-2017/> .)


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