[Exiles Members] Exiles June 3 Munch Access and June 5 Orientation Info!

Ms. Cat ms.dulcecat at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 12:15:41 EDT 2020

Dear Exiles Community!*Exiles MUNCH this Wednesday, June 3rd at 630pm PST where our topic discussion will be "Reason Why Social Justice is Important".  Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87472447437?pwd=WE5IUVdmOHB4U2lCV2t0c3RkVGdGQT09Meeting ID: 874 7244 7437Password: 467094Dial by your location: Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdmiTicp6B*Exiles ORIENTATION! This Friday, June 5th at 7pm PST. Would you like to become a member of the Exiles? This class is a requirement to become a member.  Fun intro to BDSM: Terminology, play party etiquette, toys and more! Class provides basic safety and community information.  $10 non-members. Free to members.Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/exiles-june-orientation-tickets-106571644658Hope to see you there! www.theexiles.org  Ms. Cat Ondriezek (pronouns: she/her)-CoCoordinator, The Exiles-Founder, The Piercing Guild-Exiles Director, SF Bay Area Leather Alliance-2019 Leather Marshal, Pride Parade-2017 Woman of the Year
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