[Exiles Members] Exiles Quickie Access: Tuesday April 27, 2020 7pm (PST)

Ms. Cat ms.dulcecat at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 22:11:36 EDT 2020

Tuesday, April 24th 2020 at 7pm PSTExiles Quickie: Clothespins & Zippers with RioAVAILABLE TO EXILES MEMBERS & PATREON MEMBERS ONLY! Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9768470985?pwd=S1hSUjB0aWl1UThCN3U1Z2VqbU1JZz09Meeting id: 976-847-0985Password: exiles2020Clothespins are arguably the greatest BDSM toy there is. They’re fun for beginners, yet can also bring down even the heaviest bottom with their ability, in the right hands, to cause pain. You can put them on others, put them on yourself, even direct others to use them on you. And they double your pleasure, because they hurt both when they are put on, and when they come off.Learn about the various types of clothespins, how to put them on and off, how to use them safely, and the always-evil zippers. Hands-on demos!About our PresenterRio is a butch leatherdyke, a masochist, a hopeless romantic, a recovering alcoholic, and a slave who’s obsessed with service.Feeding her passion for both education and exhibitionism, she has presented at Folsom Street’s Playground, the Northwest Leather Celebration, the Southwest Leather Conference, the Southeast Leatherfest, and the Queer Leather Association of Sacramento, She has also demo bottomed at numerous locations, often under the hands of her sadistic Mistress, Marilyn.Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9768470985?pwd=S1hSUjB0aWl1UThCN3U1Z2VqbU1JZz09Meeting id: 976-847-0985Password: exiles2020Facebook event:  https://facebook.com/events/s/quickie-clothespins-and-zipper/219887186118038/?ti=clMore info at www.theexiles.orgMs. Cat Ondriezek (pronouns: she/her)-CoCoordinator, The Exiles-Founder, The Piercing Guild-Exiles Director, SF Bay Area Leather Alliance-2019 Leather Marshal, Pride Parade-2017 Woman of the Year
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