[Exiles Members] Volunteers Needed for Program and Party!

Sappho Roche Sappho_Says at outlook.com
Tue Mar 12 00:24:05 EDT 2019

Volunteers are needed for our program and the party this Friday.  Volunteers to the program get into the program for free, and volunteers to the party get into the party for free!

We need two people to help set up tables for the program.  Please be able to arrive by 7pm.

Party voluneer needs:

Door watch: 1st half
Door watch: 2nd half
DM: 1st half
DM: 2nd half
Two clean up helpers.

Email me to sign up or PM me on FetLife.

An active roster can be found here:

Requests taken first-come-first-served.  I'll contact you with alternatives if your preference is taken.

Volunteer Coordinator, The Exiles
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