[Exiles Members] A new newsletter is coming!

The Lunatic Fringe fringe_editor at theexiles.org
Sun Mar 3 14:45:29 EST 2019

We've been working hard to bring The Lunatic Fringe back.

** Missing your monthly news?

** A New Version of The Lunatic Fringe is Coming!

** The Exiles will be exploring a few options in the future for revamping our monthly newsletter.

We apologize for the delay, but it is going to take a little while longer to finish.

You can look forward to an updated visual presentation that is easier to navigate, quicker to update, and more adaptable to our needs.  We are working diligently to get the bad kinks out and keep the good ones in.

This email is also a test of our ability to get through spam filters, so let us know you are excited!

Tell us you got the Email! (mailto:sappho_says at outlook.com?subject=I%20got%20the%20annoncement!&body=Want%20to%20help%20more%3F%20%20Let%20me%20know%20your%20email%20provider%20(google%2C%20yahoo%2C%20outlook).%20%20I'd%20like%20to%20hear%20that%20all%20three%20major%20providers%20let%20the%20emails%20through.%0A%0AEnter%20below%3A%0A)

Copyright © 2019 The Exiles, All rights reserved.
 You are reading The Lunatic Fringe, the official newsletter of The Exiles.  Your subscription is a benefit of membership.  Thank you for supporting us!

Our mailing address is:
The Exiles
PO Box
San Francisco, CA 94114
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