[Exiles Members] Election Results + Officer Appointments

Marilyn Hollinger marilyn at marilynj.com
Tue Mar 27 01:21:27 EDT 2018

Exiles Members,


I want to congratulate our officers who were elected at the March program:


*	Membership Officer: Meryl
*	Treasurer: Pat
*	Recorder: Judith


I will continue my 2-year term as co-coordinator. We didn't get anyone
nominated to fill the second co-coordinator position, although there is a
process for appointing someone during the year, which we hope will happen.


At our April business meeting we will appoint officers to the following


*	Newsletter Editor: Prepares and distributes The Lunatic Fringe 
*	Outreach/PR Officer: Manages publicity and outreach. 
*	Orientation Officer: Responsible for Orientation 
*	Doorkeeper: Manages the door at programs 
*	Sergeant-at-Arms: Provides security at the door for Exiles
*	Web Site Manager: Maintains and manages the official Exiles website.

*	Volunteer Coordinator: Recruits and manages volunteers


You are eligible to fill these roles if you have been an Exiles member for
one year, OR have qualified to become a voting member at business meetings
(attended 2 of the last 4 meetings). Even if you're not eligible at this
time, you can still start coming to the business meetings and perhaps be
appointed later, or be mentored into a role for the future.


If you are interested in any of these roles, even if you don't yet qualify,
please contact cocos at theexiles.org <mailto:cocos at theexiles.org>  so we can
discuss with you. Additionally, you can find more detailed descriptions of
these roles on page 9 of our Policies, which you can find online here:




We are hoping for a diverse, engaged group of officers for the next year, so
we hope to hear from you.





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