[Exiles Members] Jak Resignation

Pat Collins collins.pat0108 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 21:05:49 EST 2016


This is to inform you that Jak has decided to step  away from being an
Exiles Co-Coordinator, for personal reasons. They will remain a member but
will no longer be an officer.

Jak has been a valuable member of the business group, and we are grateful
for their service and contributions to the club. We wish them well and look
forward to working with them in the future.

The business group is working on filling the void left by Jak's
resignation. Many officers are already doing "double duty", working hard to
keep the club running, so if you would be interested in helping out, even
in small ways, please contact me (pat at theexiles.org) or any other officer.
We would really appreciate your help!

Exiles Co-Coordinator
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