[ExilesAnnounce] Reminder: Business Meeting Sunday - join in the fun!

Marilyn Hollinger marilyn at marilynj.com
Fri Jan 2 13:39:26 EST 2015

A reminder that the monthly Exiles business meeting will be held this
Sunday, 1/4, from 5-7pm at Alchemy in SF (1060 Folsom). All members are
welcome. Attending the biz meeting is not only a fun way to meet and get to
know the officers and other Exiles members, but also to help set the
direction of the club. At this meeting we'll be discussing future programs
and events, upcoming elections, Exiles schwag, and some proposed changes to
our Articles and Policies. 


Hope to see you there!


Marilyn    (for Rio, who is recovering from being sick over New Year's :-( )

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