[ExilesAnnounce] April 2015 Fringe

Patricia Collins collins.pat0108 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 02:53:12 EDT 2015

The April edition of the Fringe is now available. Please click on the link
below to access the Fringe. The results of the March officer elections and
proposed Articles changes are included. Congratulations to the newly elected
officers. We are sure they will be successful in their new roles. Please
feel free to reach out and welcome them.

This was also the inaugural year for special recognition awards, be sure to
check them out. We congratulate those who were honored with the new
recognition awards.

You will also find a NEW upcoming event section.

Ever wanted to include role play in your scenes or have questions about role
play, be sure to check out the April program which promises to keep you on
the ³edge² with two great presenters.

Other officer positions will be appointed at the business meeting on Sunday
April 5th. They are listed in the newsletter and if you are interested in
serving in any of the positions, please send an email to the co-cordinators
<cocos at theexiles.org>  and let them know before Sunday.

Remember, this is your club, help make it what you want it to be.


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