[ExilesAnnounce] Exiles officers!

Rio Spooner oaklandrio at gmail.com
Wed Apr 9 14:53:55 EDT 2014

Dear friends,

The Exiles held our annual officer elections and appointments in March and
April, and here are the results!

*Elected officers:*
*Co-coordinator:* no one was elected. A couple of people have expressed
interest, and we'll keep talking about it.
*Treasurer:* Angel, who has been our Treasurer for the last two years,
cannot continue. She is willing to train her replacement, and work with
them on our budget for next year. If you want to learn about bookkeeping,
this is a great opportunity! It's a skill you can use anywhere.
*Membership Officer:* Marilyn was re-elected.
*Recorder:* no one was elected. This is an easy and fun post..

*Appointed officers:*
*Doorkeeper:* Lee was re-appointed
*Newsletter editor:* Suzanne was re-appointed. She is looking for someone
to help her out, and ultimately take over the newsletter. This is a great
chance to learn about putting out a periodical.
*Orientation officer*: Val stepped down from this post, and no one was
appointed. Val will run the next Orientation, but we are looking for
someone to take this over. Orientation is the most fun officer position
*Outreach/PR:* Samantha was re-appointed.
*Sergeant-at-Arms: *Jessica was appointed.
*Volunteer coordinator:* This position remains open. We could really use
your help with this one.
*Website officer*. Countess stepped down from this post, and Val stepped up
to take it over. Take a look at our new website, which Countess spent a lot
of time putting together. It 's really beautiful! http://theexiles.org/.
Ali also stepped up as an assistant to help Val with website design and

We have several new people in leading positions - Lee, Jessica, Samantha,
and Ali are all new within the last year. We have a lot of positive energy,
and there's excitement in the air. You can be a part of it!

The Exiles needs your help to continue to perform our Orientations,
educational programs, play parties, to have booths at major leather events,
put on our social 'Champagne and Chocolate' socials at conferences, and
represent leather women in the community. The officer group is fun and
supportive. Come join us!

Best wishes,

Co-coordinator, the Exiles

Ask yourself "What can I do to make a difference?" Then do it from your
heart. - Mama Reinhardt
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