[ExilesAnnounce] Want to march or be a wheel monitor in the LGBT Parade?

Rio Spooner oaklandrio at gmail.com
Thu May 30 13:20:09 EDT 2013

Dear friends,

The Bay area leather contingent is planning, as usual, to be a big splash
at Pride this year. The Parade is Sunday June 30th along Market Street.

The Exiles marched last year, and we'd be happy to do so again this year,
if people are interested. Please email me if you'd like to participate.

The leather contingent also needs wheel monitors, to walk beside the wheel
of any vehicles in our contingent. You must be trained in order to do this!
The trainings will be held on the following dates and times:

6/11, 8:30 PM -- Head over Heels / Cheer SF -- 4701 Doyle St, Bldg. F,
Emeryville. Access via Spur Alley on 45th St.
6/13, 7:00 PM -- Virgin America HQ -- 555 Airport Blvd, Burlingame
6/15, 11:00 AM -- SF Public Library, Koret Auditorium -- 100 Larkin St, SF
6/16, 1:00 PM -- The Center, Rainbow Room -- 1800 Market St, SF
6/17, 7:00 PM -- The Center, Rainbow Room -- 1800 Market St, SF
6/19, 7:00 PM -- The Center, Rainbow Room -- 1800 Market St, SF
6/20, 7:00 PM -- The Center, Rainbow Room -- 1800 Market St, SF
6/22, 1:00 PM -- The Center, Rainbow Room 1800 Market St, SF
6/23, 1:00 PM -- SF Public Library, Koret Auditorium -- 100 Larkin St, SF
6/24, 7:00 PM -- The Center, Rainbow Room -- 1800 Market St, SF
6/25, TBD -- TBA, Oakland venue

Whether we march or not, we WILL have a booth at Leather Alley. And we'll
need your help to staff it. We'll be sending out another email son, to
solicit volunteers. Or if you can't wait for that, email me right now! I'm
sure we can find a place for you.

The parade will be led, as always, by Dykes on Bikes. If you'd like to ride
with them, please go to their website to register:


Exiles representative to the Leather Alliance
Co-coordinator, the Exiles
rio at exiles.org
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