[ExilesAnnounce] Leather Alley demos at LGBT Pride

Langmuir, Val vlangmuir at webkennel.com
Tue Jun 4 15:25:43 EDT 2013

Pride is coming!  Woohoo!


Here is a clarification to the Leather Alley demo situation.


.         Bob at the SF Citadel is organizing demos in the SF Citadel area
of Leather Alley.   Write to him at sfomaster at yahoo.com if you want to do a
demo at the Citadel booth.

.         There are also staged demos in a "main demo area" separate from
the clubs and venues.  You can write to me, at demos at leatheralley.net, if
you want to do one of these demos.  These slots are almost full, FYI.





From: Exilesmembers [mailto:exilesmembers-bounces at theexilessf.net] On Behalf
Of Rio Spooner
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:07 AM
To: Exiles Announcements
Subject: [ExilesAnnounce] Leather Alley demos at LGBT Pride


Dear friends,


LGBT Pride is coming up - Sunday June 30th - and as usual the SF Bay Area
Leather Alliance is sponsoring "Leather Alley," a place devoted to our


There will be demos there this year, but far fewer than before, with the
focus more on a social area to hang out. 


There will be some demos, but the space and equipment is limited. If you'd
like to do a demo, Bob Hughes is booking hour-long slots. first come, first


Please email him at sfomaster at yahoo.com if you're interested.





Co-coordinator, the Exiles

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