[ExilesAnnounce] IMsL Champagne and Chocolates Reception, Saturday, April 20th

Randi Butch randibutch at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 16:48:48 EDT 2013

Dear Exiles Members,

Please join The Exiles for a *Champagne and Chocolates reception* co-hosted
with the SFgoL and Seattle goL on Saturday, April 20th between 2-4pm at The
International Ms. Leather Contest to be held at The Holiday Inn Golden
Gateway . We have received confirmation from the producers of the IMsL
event that Exiles members can attend the Hospitality Suite at no cost as
long as they register in advance.

 Due to new requirements of the Holiday Inn, everyone attending the
reception who is NOT registered for IMsL must sign up in advance. Please
RSVP by replying to this message by April 10th if you think there is even a
small chance you will attend. That will allow us to add your name to the
list we will send to the IMsL producers and ensure that you can attend.

Volunteer Opportunity!
 We are also looking for a few more members to help with the Hospitality
Suite for an hour or two between 1:30-4:30pm on Saturday. We need help
serving champagne, cleaning and generally helping during the event and with
clean up after the event. Please reply to this message if you are available
to help out.

Additional information on the event can be found at this website:

*International Ms Leather Website*

 Also remember to register if you plan to attend IMsL this year! Everyone
must register by April 13 to attend any events.


Come celebrate in style and join us for this classy event!

- Randi

Randi Wolford
Acting Outreach/Publicity Coordinator
The Exiles
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