[ExilesAnnounce] This Friday~ Teasing and Torturing w/Marilyn ~The Exiles in SF

Ann Tea Sweetie annteasweetie at gmail.com
Thu May 24 15:37:17 EDT 2012

Teasing and Torturing with Marilyn

Friday, May 25, 2012
8-10 pm, cruising zone doors open at 7:30 pm

$4 Exiles members, $10 non-members
at the Women's Building, 3543 18th St. @ Valencia, SF
Programs are open to women and those whose gender self-identification is
other than male.
 ASL interpretation is available.
For more details, please visit The Exiles' site <http://goo.gl/LF1r3>.
Fetlife event listing here <https://fetlife.com/events/103874/v2>.

*Program Description
*It's the art of getting into a bottom's head and playing with their fears
and desires. It's the art of pain for the sake of the top's pleasure.
Combine the two and you have a recipe for delight.

In this program, Marilyn will walk us through the intricacies of teasing:
knowing what tantalizes and terrifies, and playing with it for her
pleasure. She'll show us how to craft a scene to get off on the discomfort,
embarrassment, and pain of others. She'll discuss the fine line between
teasing and humiliation, and show you how liberating it is to admit, or be
forced to face, what you secretly want and need.

And since we know you don't like all talk and no action, come see how
Marilyn is determined to get what she wants, and to share with all of us!

*About the Presenter
*Marilyn has been active in the BDSM community since 1985. She is a sadist,
a bitch, a mistress, and a control freak with an intense blood lust and a
passion for passion. She is a fat femme top who likes to play very hard,
and has a special affection for slut masochists. She’ll also bottom on
occasion for very special very bad tops. She loves to teach, and adores
public speaking…anything to have control over a roomful of people! She has
presented at Black Rose, Ladyfest, Leather Traditions, Venus’ Playground,
IMsL, LLC, LLW, and the Exiles. She was an officer with the Exiles for 10
years, and is now on the board of LLW.
*Please note the change in date due to NWLC 5/25/12*
Program Meeting Info*
♥ Programs are at the Women's Building in San Francisco (3543 - 18th Street
at Valencia) map<http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=200184630227379776668.00049da34611a6c4186df&ll=37.76393,-122.420998&spn=0.016285,0.027466&z=15&iwloc=00049da34ed6bc1bf003e&>
♥ All women (and those whose gender self-identity is other than male) who
are over 18 are welcome.
♥ We have sign language interpreters at all of our meetings.
♥ Door fees are $4 for members and $10 for non-members. Please have your
membership card or ID ready to speed entry.
♥ The program runs from 8:00 - 10:00pm and the cruising zone opens at
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