[ExilesAnnounce] IMPORTANT: Still need some volunteers for Friday's program

Marilyn Hollinger marilyn at marilynj.com
Tue Jun 12 22:36:29 EDT 2012

If you can help with working the door or doing take-down after the program,
please reply ASAP. We need your contribution in order to make the program a
success, plus you get in for free if you volunteer. 





From: exilesmembers-bounces at theexilessf.net
[mailto:exilesmembers-bounces at theexilessf.net] On Behalf Of Marilyn
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 7:18 AM
To: 'Exiles Announcements'
Subject: [ExilesAnnounce] Volunteering: June Program and Beyond




As you probably know, we've undergone a major change in the Exiles this
year, with almost a whole new slate of officers who are injecting excitement
and fresh ideas into the club. The Biz Group, made up of those officers and
any other members who want to participate, is busy planning events for the
year, including our Programs and Orientations, our booth in Leather Alley at
Pride, and our Meet and Greet for Folsom.


An important part of making all of these events successful is . YOU!! The
Exiles is a completely volunteer organization, and we count on each other to
volunteer periodically to help make the club what we all want it to be.
Plus, volunteering is the best way to be "in the know" and to get to know
some really great leatherwomen. So.


1)      Consider volunteering at a program. For the June program we need
someone to help at the door, someone to stay afterwards to pack up the
equipment and load it into the car, and possibly a few other jobs. If you
sign up to volunteer you get in free, and you'll be part of making the
program a success. Contact Marilyn at marilyn at marilynj.com to volunteer.

2)      Consider volunteering at the Pride booth at Leather Alley. We need
people to work setup, some 1-hour shifts, and tear-down at the booth. Booth
work is just telling people about the Exiles and generally schmoozing and
hanging out in Leather Alley. Contact marilyn at marilynj.com to volunteer.

3)      Consider attending the next business meeting. The next meeting is on
Sunday, July 1 at 5pm in San Francisco, probably at The Women's Building
(check the web site). All members are welcome, and it gives you a chance to
help run the group. Contact cocos at theexiles.org for more information.

4)      Consider helping out at the next Orientation. The next orientation
is Sunday, August 5 at the Marxist Library in Oakland. We have a great time
at orientation, and you can help bring in the next group of Exiles members.
Contact Val, our Orientation Officer, at orientation at theexiles.org or
vlangmuir at webkennel.com to volunteer.


Remember, the Exiles is what it is because of volunteers like you.




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