[ExilesAnnounce] Volunteers still needed: Exiles booth at Pride

Marilyn Hollinger marilyn at marilynj.com
Wed Jun 20 10:07:43 EDT 2012

See below. Still need a few more people to round out the schedule. Your
participation is needed to make our booth successful at Pride!


From: Marilyn Hollinger [mailto:marilyn at marilynj.com] 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 9:36 AM
To: 'Exiles Announcements'
Subject: Exiles booth at Pride


Want to hang out with leather folks, schmooze, and talk up the Exiles?
Working at the Exiles booth is a perfect opportunity to have fun at the
Pride Celebration. All you need to do is give information, give out cards,
and have fun! At least two people will be staffing the booth at a time so
even if you're not sure what to do, there will be someone there to coach
you. And as a Leather Alley Volunteer you are welcome to the volunteer
snacks and use of the porta-potty in the volunteer area.


Please email marilyn at marilynj.com if you're interested in helping out. And
even if you decide not to volunteer, please stop by the booth and hang out
for a while.





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