[ExilesAnnounce] The Exiles at Pride! Volunteer!

Exiles Volunteer exilesvolunteer at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 25 20:52:02 EDT 2010

Hello Exiles Members!
This is PRIDE weekend in San Francisco.  Help us celebrate by volunteering to staff our booth on Sunday.
This year we are inside Leather Alley, and there will be lots of kinky activities going on while we staff the booth, handing out club information and schmoozing all the kinky visitors.
Please help us represent our club by volunteering for a 1 1/2 hour shift.
If you are interested, please email me here -- exilesvolunteer at yahoo.com. 
Yours in leather,
Tracy Wolf
Exiles Volunteer Coordinator 
& Ms. San Francisco Leather 2009 


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