[ExilesAnnounce] This Friday -- Minax!
Exiles Volunteer
exilesvolunteer at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 19 15:54:24 EST 2009
Again, we have Eve Minax coming this Friday!!!
See below and please respond to me at exilesvolunteer at yahoo.com if you'd like to help.
My best,
If you would like to be removed from this volunteer list, please reply and put "remove" in the body of the text.
--- On Mon, 11/16/09, Exiles Volunteer <exilesvolunteer at yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Exiles Volunteer <exilesvolunteer at yahoo.com>
Subject: This Friday -- Program Volunteers Needed
To: "cocos" <exilesvolunteer at yahoo.com>
Date: Monday, November 16, 2009, 2:26 PM
Hello everyone!
I'm so excited! This week we have the lovely and talented Eve Minax teaching Medical Play for us. What a great presenter and topic!
We need people to help with all sorts of things:
-- Setup: Arriving no later than 6:30 to help arrange the room
-- Take Down: Staying after the program to help clean the room and pack things out
-- Raffle: Helping to sell raffle tickets to raise club funds
-- Community Table: Setting up the community table with brochures, answering questions, and selling Exiles shirts and pins
-- Refreshments and Safer Sex Supply Sales: Setting up the table for these sales, and selling goodies to people before the program and at the break
As always, volunteering gains you free admission to our program. If you are interested, please contact me at exilesvolunteer at yahoo.com !
All the best,
If you would like to be removed from this volunteer list, please reply and put "remove" in the body of the text.
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