[ExilesMembers] Folsom Meet & Greet 2009

Robin rahzone328 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jul 8 15:03:24 EDT 2009

Hey all,

We are planning on having our Meet & Greet this year the Friday before Folsom, which is September 25Th.

One BIG issue is, we cannot find a place to hold it!!

For those not familiar with our Meet & Greet format:  PARTY!!!

We have a DJ, schmoozing women, nosh and more schmoozing.

We need a location that can accommodate 200+ women. Have room for dancing, an area for food, and hopefully an area for quiet conversation.

If anyone has any ideas on venues and/or wants to help out with the planning, please contact me,   Robin at theexiles.org   As soon as possible.

Thanks so very much!

The Exiles 
San Francisco 
Check out our FACEBOOK page!
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