[ExilesMembers] Fw: A request from the Bears of San Francisco

Robin rahzone328 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 29 23:54:53 EST 2009

--- On Thu, 1/29/09, Liza Sibley <webmistress at leatherlevi.org> wrote:
From: Liza Sibley <webmistress at leatherlevi.org>
Subject: A request from the Bears of San Francisco
To: robin at theexiles.org
Date: Thursday, January 29, 2009, 8:24 PM

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Volunteers needed for IBR


January 29, 2009


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Dear ROBIN, 

Our brother bears need our help.  International Bear Rendezvous is coming up Feb 
12-15.  Over the years, they have donated $435,000 to various charities, 
including Lyon-Martin Health Services.  They have some volunteer slots that need 
to be filled, mostly in security and as bus escorts which are lots of fun.  If 
you have a few hours to give to a worthy (and fun) group.  Please sign up on 
their volunteer page.




Remember, the involvement of each and every one of us is what makes every event an success!

 Liza Sibley
Leather Levi Weekend 



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Leather Levi Weekend | 1728 Ocean Ave | #205 | San Francisco | CA | 94122

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