[ExilesMembers] Want to be in the Lunatic Fringe?

Grltrubble at aol.com Grltrubble at aol.com
Thu Sep 25 16:49:38 EDT 2008

Hi Everyone
I'm planning on interviewing a handful of Folsom attendees with a single  
question about their Folsom experience on Sunday.  If you'd like to  participate 
by answering one question and allowing me to publish your answer in  the 
Fringe, please email me back at the address below so that we  can arrange to meet 
at the Exiles' booth.  Also, I need a couple folks that  won't mind having 
their photo taken and printed alongside their answer.
Thanks for playing!
_fringe_editor at theexiles.org_ (mailto:fringe_editor at theexiles.org) 

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